
EMIKA_GAMES end - Is Steam killing talent?

The creative underground became a trend for 2022. Good games with big budgets could be counted on the fingers of one hand, and creative indie games ruled the ball. But all was not well in the indie segment either. Independent developers were not immune to financial constraints either, so they released almost all of their games in early access. It's impossible to grind out games without the means to exist. It is easier to release a relatively ready build and work on the feedback of the community, than to stick to the desk and pore over it until the seventh sweat, satisfying your inner perfectionist. Who, by the way, also wants to eat...

Early access has become commonplace.
Early access has become commonplace.

But don't be sorry for the developers. They are not greedy, but life dictates new rules of survival for single developers. One such loner developer is Alexander Reshetnikov from EMIKA_GAMES. He worked in this company alone and was even known in narrow circles. But what does early access and Steam have to do with it?

What were EMIKA_GAMES like?

The definition of "craftsmanship" clings to Alexander's games, but without the negative connotation of the word. Reshetnikov never aspired to be a genius, but the handwriting of a hungry artist can be discerned in his entire creative career. Alexander has created short narrative horror stories in the style of walking simulators. With varying success, EMIKA_GAMES has managed to publish something of the campfire scares that came to life. The stories are predictable, naive in places, scary in places.

Find Yourself is one of Emika_Games' first works. A cheap horror flick made by the hands of one man, but even there the dust in the air was voluminous. Knowledgeable people will understand.
Find Yourself is one of Emika_Games' first works. A cheap horror flick made by the hands of one man, but even there the dust in the air was voluminous. Knowledgeable people will understand.

Of course, the EMIKA_GAMES games were full of scrimmers with and without cause. The action of each game took place in tiny locations with high - by indie game standards - environmental detail. Indie developers often sin with horrible animation and cheesy physics, EMIKA_GAMES can't be blamed for that. Yes, Alexander relied on his outsourcer's help, but you should not underestimate Reshetnikov's role, because outsourcers helped not for free.

All in all EMIKA_GAMES released 8 games, 4 of which can be safely recommended to fans of the genre. If you compare these trinkets with something close to the famous projects, you remember P.T.. - The demo teaser for the cancelled Silent Hill.

September 7th is EMIKA_GAMES' latest work. The action takes place in the post-Soviet space. Residents of these places will find the entourage painfully familiar.
September 7th is EMIKA_GAMES' latest work. The action takes place in the post-Soviet space. Residents of these places will find the entourage painfully familiar.

EMIKA_GAMES did the same techno-dems with almost no gameplay. Let's just say, touristy forays into alternative horror worlds.

The essence of the conflict

Steam has a refund option: if the player bought the game, played it for less than 2 hours, he did not need the game, and it has been less than 14 days since the purchase, the player has the right to request the publisher to refund the money. The duration of EMIKA_GAMES games is from 40 minutes to an hour and a half. Often Alexander invested his efforts, time, read very flattering reviews about his work, but almost did not get any money for his efforts. The small fraction of players who didn't return money out of gratitude is too small.

The last Emika_Games game, September 7th, was released on Steam on January 7th, 2023, got extremely positive feedback, flashed on Influencer's streams and... brought no visible financial return. The issue of finances has torn the wings of any developer, but apparently Reshetnikov's patience has come to an end. When you try to outdo yourself time after time, and you're not appreciated, it's disappointing. EMIKA_GAMES announced an indefinite work freeze on the new game From Day To Day.

But if there were no refund mechanics in Steam, EMIKA_GAMES could have succeeded. Epic Games Store doesn't refund money for games at all... ...Surprisingly, after the announcement of his taking an indefinite leave the community was not sorry for Alexander, but agreed in the opinion that he was a whiner. The unlikable crowd suggested a solution to the problem - to increase the timing of the games to two and a half hours. Alexander can follow this recommendation, but it is fraught with danger...

Whose side are you on...?

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