Modern gaming problems and their counterparts from the past

Современные проблемы гейминга и их аналоги из прошлого

Modern gaming problems and their counterparts from the past

Albert Einstein was a proponent of the theory that time is an illusion. We can agree with this statement if we take a look at the game industry. Just twenty years ago, people had a very different idea of the games that were supposed to be coming out now. Surprisingly, thanks to technological advances, we have already learned how to create games with photorealistic graphics, but the rough edges were and still are with us to this day. We have prepared a list of annoying problems to show that nothing has fundamentally changed:

  1. "Nothing to play" and "nothing to play" - And let's start with the most ironic point. Once upon a time, there weren't as many games as there are now. You had to wait two years, if not more, for the next installment of your favorite series.
The owner of this truly impressive collection of games clearly has nothing to play...
The owner of this truly impressive collection of games clearly has nothing to play...

The market did not shine with variety before, so there was simply no analogue of the same "Diablo". These days, the "paradox of choice" is relevant - when the range is so great that to choose one thing is tantamount to loss. There is not enough time for everything, and let's be honest: how many games are worthy of attention...?

  1. "Early Access" and a riddled place in the game - In the old days, the developers were very careful about quality. If a game developed a bug that hindered play-through, the discs were taken off the market. Sometimes you had to throw the game just because a character got stuck in the wall, and reloading the save game did not help. These days, almost no game comes out in a finalized state.
Early access in an indie game - nothing surprising...
Early access in an indie game - nothing surprising...

The critical bugs seemed to have disappeared. But no, they were spread over the game worlds with a thin layer. Clever modern developments promise a lot, but cautiously warn about "early access" - when the game is kind of playable, but not completely finished. And we, gamers, put up with it from time to time, waiting for a miracle, and, of course, patches.

...What do you think of early access for a decade? The developers are good (no).
...What do you think of early access for a decade? The developers are good (no).
  1. "Lost disc" and "Forgot account username and password" - Previously, games were only distributed on discs. Internet in the early noughties was very slow, so it could take a couple of days to download a game. Discs solved this problem, but they had a flaw - they could disappear, physically disappear. One disc could roll under the couch, another could be lent to a friend for an unreasonable period.
When a friend scratched the disc with his favorite game on the PlayStation 1...
When a friend scratched the disc with his favorite game on the PlayStation 1...

Nowadays, only owners of game consoles need disks, and not always. Now games are stored in the cloud: Steam, Origin, etc. But there are times when you create an account in the service for the sake of the game, and use mostly other services. Restore login and password is the easiest thing, but not in the case when the account was registered to an email of the type: "dhdb1337errtr***".

  1. Hideo Kojima still won't release the game - Something is fashionable, like Fortnite. Something went out of fashion, like indie horror games, and someone is Hideo Kojima. The gaming industry owes a lot to this man. Kojima is so cool that he didn't just create breakthrough games, he created new genres! Kojima games - a separate story. It's not for nothing that Kojima has been dubbed a Genius.
This young man is the God Midas of the video game world. Kojima's trick is thinking outside the box. Kojima's competitors' games may be ten times more exciting, but as soon as Genius shows a sharp mind, his competitors pale into insignificance.
This young man is the God Midas of the video game world. Kojima's trick is thinking outside the box. Kojima's competitors' games may be ten times more exciting, but as soon as Genius shows a sharp mind, his competitors pale into insignificance.

Any work that comes out from under Hideo's pen becomes a whole cultural event. But as the years go by, nothing changes - Hideo Kojima has learned life, so he doesn't rush anywhere, especially with releases.

  1. Gaming PCs cost a lot of money - In the early days, computers cost a lot of money. Then hardware manufacturers began to produce products with an adequate price tag, but trouble crept up quietly... At one time the miners made the price of video cards go to the moon and pushed bitcoin quotes into orbit. Artificial scarcity again made the personal computer an element of luxury. Of course, PC is not a console, you can build a cheaper one, but you want to use the best, hence the most expensive. Depending on the country and the salaries, respectively, a top-end computer is sometimes commensurate with a month of work, and sometimes with a calendar year without a vacation. But the ironic thing is that the quality of the porting of games from consoles to PC in 1980 as in 2023 leaves a lot to be desired. Sometime in the future, people will completely identify with virtual worlds, but will pay for DLC with 60 fps mode...

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